Mystic Dao

Founded in 2013 as a website to schedule Taijiquan and Qigong classes, Greg named Mystic Dao with the intention it could one day offer numerous possibilities to benefit people on their unique life journey.

What’s in a name?

Dào refers to a path, road, or way that is being traveled by someone who gazes both inwardly and outwardly with a unifying awareness.

A Mystic, as I’ve come to understand the concept, is someone who is willing to take their own unique approach to life, and sincerely seek to ask, and answer, life’s questions for themselves. Questions such as:

Who Am I? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going? Who’s In Charge?/How Does it All Relate?”

So, Mystic Dao could be translated as, “The Path / Way of The Mystic”, or, the path of someone who is willing to take on the responsibility of asking and answering life’s questions for themself.

That said, it can be really hard to do so when so many of us have grown up in a culture that externalizes personal authority and autonomy to social structures of religion, science, and government. It can also be really difficult to see clearly with awareness when in the midst of chaotic life events, or when suffering from illness, disease, or trauma. As such, my mission with Mystic Dao is to provide perspectives and practices through classes and consultations that can help individuals to connect with their inner wisdom, tap into their innate healing potentials, and find clarity and awareness for themself on their path of personal growth.

-Greg Casey